Maximum availability of an electronic data processing system is crucial. It is therefore recommended that the data center has the highest level of fire and security protection in the building. Very early fire detection plays an integral part in data center fire protection. With the help of very fast detection, operators can quickly be informed about an event and all required technical and organizational measures can be started immediately. Fire prevention is ideally based on the interaction of different elements, amongst others: fire detection, evacuation, extinguishing and building management systems to prevent the development of the fire. The following things are critical: very fast and reliable detection, avoiding false alarms and providing the exact location in order to assure appropriate response, like reliable extinguishing of the fire.
Detecting an unusual aerosol concentration and informing a technician so that the situation can be tackled with most appropriate measures (e.g. controlled shut down of the device).
- In the event of a significant aerosol development pointing to an incipient fire, damage has to be minimized, e.g. by shutting down the systems and extinguishing the fire with an automated extinguishing system.
- If there is a fire in the server room, the spreading of the fire to other areas must be prevented.
- Timely alarming and evacuating of all people at risk.
- Safe extinguishing to protect delicate electronic equipment, people and irreplaceable data.
Typical fire hazards
- Or short circuit of electrical components (e.g. switch or inverter power supply).
- Failure of the cooling system so that electronic components overheat considerably (e.g. power supplies and power electronics).
Typical development of a fire
In a server room which exclusively contains electrical and electronic components and devices, there is a very typical development of a fire.
If electrical or electronic components overheat, small quantities of aerosol are generated. If the power supply is disconnected in this phase, no fire will develop and damage can be kept to a minimum.
- If the power supply is not disconnected, a smoldering fire will develop during which visible smoke is generated increasingly. If such a fire is detected in an early stage, it can be extinguished without problems and damage is can be kept to a minimum.
- If no appropriate measures are taken, the smoldering fire will develop into an open fire which will cause significant damage.